In mid-April, VR passed a milestone. Using an app created by a company called Medical Realities, viewers from around the globe, each presumably with an iron constitution, witnessed a surgeon at the Royal London NHS Hospital delve into the bowels of a 70-year-old cancer patient. If that sounds like a Nova special, it was so much more. Doctors, medical students, and the merely curious experienced the operation in real time, with 360-degree control over their vantage points, as though they were actually in the operating room.

By now you’ve probably heard the hype about the coming wave of VR (VR) and the miracles that it can render in videogames, entertainment, and exploration. Interested in flying a Black Hawk helicopter over the Dubai skyline just after dawn? It can put you there. How about walking in Neil Armstrong’s footsteps on the moon, or on the summit of Mount Everest? Done and done. But the live stream was a showcase of the wondrous potential of VR to educate, to train, and, more generally, to transport the masses into situations.

Tech powerhouses—Google GOOGL , Samsung, Microsoft MSFT , Sony SNE , Apple AAPL , Intel INTC , and others—are creating VR hardware and software to establish a platform that they all say will rival the appeal and utility of the mobile phone or even the Internet itself. And a second, potentially much broader echelon of companies is trying to get out in front of the trend, dreaming up VR applications to change how we shop, advertise, learn, and communicate.
So the future of VR game machine will develop better and better. VR game machine is a rapidly developing technology that has  potential applications in many fields.


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